Christmas Donations

Drouillard Place is once again offering community support and assistance by providing Christmas gifts for children 16 and under to low or fixed-income families.

Applicants must supply ID for each child, income and address verification.  Contact the office for an application.
(We are very strict with our guidelines and also share information with a few other agencies to be sure that no client is already receiving help from another agency.)

We try to match families up with sponsors and donors according to their request.
We ask companies how many families they are able to handle and how many children in each family. The response varies according to office and staff size. Some donors will request specific ages for children.

Often a donor will want to take the age of a child that is the same as their own. Once the number of children is confirmed, we’ll send a Family Profile form with number of family members, ages of children, clothing sizes and a few gift ideas.

The deadline to have gifts here this year is December 14.  We ask that all gifts are left unwrapped but if you’d like to include wrapping items, our parents would appreciate it!

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Thanks for thinking of Drouillard Place and our community!